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  • +352 621 400 574

  • luxguns@gmail.com

  • Du mardi au vendredi : de 9h à 12h et de 13h30 à 18h (samedi 17h)

* Au Luxembourg la vente d’armes, la vente de munition ainsi que d’articles de rechargement est réglementée juridiquement et accessible à partir de 18 ans.

Springfield Armory Loaded M1A .308win


N° Article : LUX2439

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As the M14 platform began to dominate competitive rifle shooting, several performance oriented upgrades to the design gained popularity. Today, shooters who want the extra features, but don’t want to pay match-shop prices can find what they need in the M1A™ Loaded Series from Springfield Armory®.


Caliber 7.62X51MM NATO (.308WIN)

Length 45” - 46.25”

Front Sight National Match .062" Blade

Barrel 22"; Twist 1 In 11"; RH; 6-Groove National Match Med. Wt. Premium Air Gauged; Stainless Steel

Weight (with Empty Magazine) 11.25 lbs.

Rear Sight Match Grade (Non - Hooded .0520) Aperture w/ 1/2 MOA Adjustment For Windage and 1 MOA For Elevation

Magazines 1 - 10 Round, Parkerized Steel

Stock FDE Precision Adjustable

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