• 7 rue de Wintrange, L-5692 Elvange

  • +352 621 400 574

  • luxguns@gmail.com

  • Du mardi au vendredi : de 9h à 12h et de 13h30 à 18h (samedi 17h)

* Au Luxembourg la vente d’armes, la vente de munition ainsi que d’articles de rechargement est réglementée juridiquement et accessible à partir de 18 ans.



N° Article : AVAR15MBB

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An Armorer's Bench Block Built for Every Element of Your Build

Built to provide AR builders with the proverbial extra pair of hands needed when assembling an AR-15, this Real Avid AR-15 Master Bench Block is built with eight different orientations in mind. This allows users to hold five separate components in place during assembly, as well as install up to 13 different pins found in the AR-15 platform. Each Real Avid AR-15 Master Bench Block is coated with a specially developed, no-slip coating, so the block won't slip around on your workbench, and your firearm parts won't slip out of place during your build. Have to knock a pin or spring out of your gun? The Real Avid Master Bench Block is built for that, too! Inside the block, a strong magnet ensures that any pin or spring knocked loose from your rifle is retained. No more chasing those detents across your workshop!

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