• 7 rue de Wintrange, L-5692 Elvange

  • +352 621 400 574

  • luxguns@gmail.com

  • Du mardi au vendredi : de 9h à 12h et de 13h30 à 18h (samedi 17h)

* Au Luxembourg la vente d’armes, la vente de munition ainsi que d’articles de rechargement est réglementée juridiquement et accessible à partir de 18 ans.

INNOMOUNT QR Pulsar APEX-Digisight-Trail Sauer 404

Original price was: 320.00€.Current price is: 285.00€.

N° Article : 50-PA-10-00-650

1 in stock

The INNOMOUNT - scope ring itself is something particular due to the simplicity with which it can be used. It can be mounted onto the weapon in two quick steps with repeatable ease and without the necessity for even a single tool. Consequently, the aiming device can be exchanged within a matter of seconds. The scope ring convinces with its low construction height and extreme durability while, at the same time, retaining an elegant form.

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