• 7 rue de Wintrange, L-5692 Elvange

  • +352 621 400 574

  • luxguns@gmail.com

  • Du mardi au vendredi : de 9h à 12h et de 13h30 à 18h (samedi 17h)

* Au Luxembourg la vente d’armes, la vente de munition ainsi que d’articles de rechargement est réglementée juridiquement et accessible à partir de 18 ans.



N° Article : GLK43X19

Rupture de stock

Vous souhaitez être averti lorsque ce produit sera de nouveau en stock ?

Fits the Glock® 43X and 48 Standard 10 and 19-round capacity Compatible with most floor plates that fit Glock® magazine Easy disassembly with our specially designed base plate Ergonomically designed floor plate makes it easy to grab from mag pouches Lifetime Warranty ADVANCED POLYMER BENEFITS Extreme Impact Resistance—won't crack or break when dropped Very resistant to harsh chemicals Superior heat, cold and UV resistance—won’t become brittle over time even when exposed to harsh environments or extreme cold Translucent body—allowing you to see your ammo count and type Creep resistant—the feed lips and body won't spread when being stored long term even when fully loaded
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