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CSA VZ58 Sporter Rifle 7,62×39 Color Black


N° Article : LUX1973

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Sa vz. 58 Sporter Rifle 7.62 x 39 mm technical specification

Caliber 7.62 x 39 mm
Muzzle velocity 690 - 700 m/s
Number of grooves in barrel 4
Overall length of rifle 905 mm (865 mm with phenolic stock)
Barrel length 410 or 390 mm
Length of sight line 375 mm
Extent of rear sight from 100 to 800 by 100 m
Width of rifle 59 mm
Height of rifle with magazine 170 mm
Practical rate of fire 40 shots/min.
Maximum range of fire 2,800 m
Lethal effect of projectile 2,800 m
Weight of rifle (without magazine) 3.10 kg
Weight of rifle with loaded magazine 3.84 kg
Weight of empty magazine 0.19 kg
Weight of full magazine 0.68 kg
Trigger pull 2.5 - 2.7 kg (24.5 - 26.5 N)
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