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CSA VZ58 Sporter Rifle .223rem Color Desert


N° Article : LUX1969

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Sa vz. 58 Sporter Rifle .223 Rem technical specification

Caliber .223 Rem (5.56 x 45 mm)
Muzzle velocity 890 - 910 m/s
Number of grooves in barrel 4
Twist of the rifling 1 in 7 inches
Overall length of rifle 905 mm
Barrel length 410 mm
Length of sight line 375 mm
Extent of rear sight from 100 to 800 by 100 m
Width of rifle 59 mm
Height of rifle with magazine 170 mm
Practical rate of fire 40 shots/min.
Maximum range of fire 1,800 m
Lethal effect of projectile up to 1,400 m
Weight of rifle (without magazine) 3.07 kg
Weight of rifle with loaded magazine 3.58 kg
Weight of empty magazine 0.15 kg
Weight of full magazine 0.51 kg
Trigger pull 2.5 - 2.7 kg (24.5 - 26.5 N)
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